Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello Internet! or What Happens When Logan Is Given Creative Choice On An English Project

Hello Internet!

So this is primarily a test post, to see if I actually know what I'm doing. Don't be surprised if I just randomly try new coding in here too, I'm experimenting, haha.

It's also a way for me to make a short post explaining what this blog is. As part of my English course at Purdue, I have to do a multimedia project for my final. I've got a journal started, and now I'm making this blog! The whole theme of my project is my experience with music, theatre, choir, musicals, etc. So I figured that a blog would be a good place to review music, plays, musicals, and the like. As such, it's all going to be subject to my opinions... but I hope to at least make myself seem like something of a knowledgeable critic. this is a good chance for me to broaden my musical horizons. And by "broaden my musical horizons," I mean "watch tons of Sondheim musicals and claim it's for homework." In the name of learning of course.

I don't expect that anything I say will be very interesting; it's difficult enough for me to be an engaging, entertaining person in real life, much less in a text based medium typing words that may or may not actually be read by anyone. But if you do stumble here by some chance, do try to enjoy yourself. Leave a comment if you've got the time! I appreciate feedback, even if it's just to tell me that my blog isn't interesting (which I assure you, I'm already aware of).

Thanks all, stay classy!

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